Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Weaving in reality

But can the behaviours found in the plants be incorporated into a machine, using weaving techniques, aspect of which were explored in the Grasshopper workshops?

Initially some material studies were performed. From these the material chosen was 1.5mm plywood.

The logic chosen for the weave pattern came from the phyllotaxic growth pattern exhibited by the sun-flower. By connecting each of the 13 outer points to the six closest inner points we created a pattern that was used for the weave.

In order to have the machine react to its environment it became necessary to have more than one weave layer. This allows for differences in behaviour of each weave to create an overall macine behaviour. The distances between the layers of weave was determined by a gradient field developmed by one of the team members during the cress seed testing and related to the nutient density used for the cress.

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